

Learn SQL Query

1. To login into mysql server.

mysql –u ____ -p _____ 

--> -u username, -p password

e.x. mysql –u root –p sarita

2. To create database

create database <database_name>

e.x. create database company

3. to use database

use <database_name>

e.x. use company

4. to create table in database to store data

create table emp_data (name varchar (30), city varchar (30), salary int (50)
); describe table 

---it will only show columns and it’s data type, size, key etc and not record/row of table.

desc <table_name>
e.x. desc emp_data view all database name and tables name

--> to show all databases

show databases;  

--> to show all tables   

 show tables; use integer and decimal data type

Column_name int (size);
e.x. roll int (50);

Column_name decimal (size,p);
e.x. price decimal (4,2);
p is number of digit after decimal point.

8. To use char, varchar and text data type

Column_name char (size); 

-->255 (fix size mention in parenthesis)
e.x. name char (50);

Column_name varchar (size); 

-->255 (variable size)
e.x. name varchar (50); 


Column_name text;
e.x. address text;

9. to use date, datetime and timestamp data type

Column_name date; 

--> yy-mm-dd format
e.x. age date;

Column_name datetime; 

--> yy-mm-dd hh : mm :ss format
e.x. join_date datetime;

Column_name timestamp; 

--> displays date and time
e.x. login_dt timestamp;

10. to insert new record/row/tuple in table.

Insert into table_name(col1,col2…)


Insert into emp_data(name,city,salary)

11. to insert record without column name

Insert into table_name Values (val1, val2…);

e.x. Insert into emp_data

Values(‘sarita’,’surat’,15000),(‘smruti’, ’ranchi’,25000);


12. to select data from database and retrieve information.

select * from table_name; 

--> * means all column

e.x:- select * from emp_data;
select column_name from table_name;

--> to select name column only

e.x. select name from emp_data;

-->to select name and city column 

e.x. select name,city from emp_data; ---

13. to select data with some limit.

select column_name from table_name
limit record_number; 

e.x. select id from emp_data limit 3;

e.x. – 2 

select * from emp_data limit 1, 5; 

--> it will show record from 2 and total 5

14. to search for specific data

--> where clause

select * from table_name where column_name operator value; 

select * from emp_data where name = ‘sarita’;

select column_name from table_name
where column_name operator value;

select name,salary from emp_data
where salary > 50000;

select * from emp_data where salary is not null; 

15. And and Or operator

select * from table_name where column_name = value and column_name = value; 

select * from emp_data where name = ‘sarita’ and salary = 50000;

select * from table_name where column_name = value or column_name = value; 

select * from emp_data where name = ‘sarita’ or salary = 50000;

e.x. :- 2
select * from emp_data where name = ‘sarita’ and (city = ‘ranchi’ or salary = 50000);

16. In and Not In operator -- to choose from list

select * from table_name where column_name in (value, value….);

select * from emp_data where name in (‘sarita’,’smruti’);

--> Not In

select * from emp_data where name not in (‘sarita’,’smruti’);

17. To select value within range 

--> between 

select * from table_name where column_name between value1 and value2;

select * from emp_data where salary between 50000 and 200000;

e.x. - 2
select * from emp_data where name between ‘sarita’ and divya’;


select * from emp_data where salary not between 50000 and 200000;

18. between with IN

select * from table_name where (column_name between value1 and value2) and column_name in (value1, value2);

select * from emp_data where (salary between 5000 and 20000) and city in (‘surat’,’ranchi’);

--> NOT IN

select * from emp_data where (salary between 50000 and 200000) and city not in (‘surat’,’ranchi’);

19. to search for specified pattern 

-> LIKE operator

select * from table_name where column_name like ‘pattern’ ;

select * from emp_data where name like ‘%a’;

e.x. - 2
select * from emp_data where name like ‘_%r%_’;

select * from table_name where column_name not like ‘pattern’ ;



select * from emp_data where name not like ‘s%_’;

wild cards for LIKE operator
1. % - zero or more character
‘a%’ – all starting with a
‘%a’ – all ending with a
‘%a%’ – all containing with a

2. _ - one single character
‘sarit_’ – starting with sarit then any one char
‘_arita’ – any one char then arita
‘_a_’ – any chr then a then any char

21. this is use to short the records.
-> asc – ascending (by default )
-> desc – descending

select * from table_name order by column_name desc;

select * from emp_data order by name desc;

22. NOT NULL – compulsory to add value in such field

create table emp_data (name varchar (30), city varchar (30), salary int (50) not null );

23. UNIQUE KEY – uniquely identifies each records

create table emp_data (name varchar (30) unique key city varchar (30),salary int (50) );


–uniquely identifies each records, unique values, can not contain null value, only one per table

create table emp_data (name varchar (30) not null primary key city varchar (30), salary int (50) unique key);


– generate unique num when new record inserted

create table emp_data (id int not null auto_increment primary key, city varchar (30), salary int (50) );

To change auto increment to new value

alter table emp_data auto_increment = 10

26. aliases are used to temporarily rename table name

Select column_name from table_name as alias_name;


--> for table

select name from emp_data as new_data;

--> for column 

select name as new_name from emp_data

27. to display distinct

(different ---only one from many same) value

select distinct column_name from table_name;

select distinct name from emp_data;

28. to add/change/modify/drop existing structure of table.

Add column
Enable/disable constraints
Change column
Modify column
Drop column

Add column :- to add new column to table without constraints

alter table table_name add column column_name datatype (size);

alter table emp_data add column pin int (10);

Ex:- 2 -- multiple column adding

alter table emp_data add column pin int (10), add column m_num int (11);

Add column by position

Last(by default)

Ex:- 1 --- column adding at first

alter table emp_data
add column pin int (10) first;

Ex:- 1 --- column adding after ___ 

required column
alter table emp_data
add column pin int (10) after city;

Ex:- 2 --- column adding with constraint

alter table emp_data add column pin int (10) not null primary key;

Ex:- 3 --- column with constraint and position

alter table emp_data add column pin int (10) not null auto_increment primary key first;

Ex:- 4 --- adding constraint

alter table emp_data add constraint unique key (name);

change column :- to change name and data type of existing column.

alter table table_name change column old_col_name new_col_name new_data_type(size);

alter table emp_data change column pin pin_code int (8);

Ex:-change multiple column

alter table emp_data change column pin pin_code int (8), change column name emp_name varchar (50);

Ex:-change with constraint

alter table emp_data change column pin_code int (8) not null, add primary key(pin_code);

modify column :-

to modify size of data type or data type without changing column name.

alter table emp_data modify column name char (40) not null;

Drop column :- 

to delete column from table.

alter table emp_data drop column name

--> to delete constraint from column.
alter table emp_data
drop primary key(id);

--> to delete table from database.
drop table emp_data;

29. Truncate table 

--> to delete data of table and not table.

truncate table table_name;

Ex :-
truncate table emp_data;

30. Rename table 

--> to rename one or more table.

rename table old_table_name to new_table_name;

Ex :-
rename table emp_data to data;

31. alter database 

--> to change overall characteristics of database.

alter database database_name;

Ex :-
alter database science;

32. delete database 

-->to delete database.

drop database database_name;

Ex :-
drop database science;

33. show columns 

-->to show all column of table and their data types.

show columns from table_name;

Ex :-
show columns from emp_data;

34. show create database  

--> it shows commands, you have written while creating database.

show create database database_name;

Ex :-
show create database science;

35. update 

--> to update existing records in table.

update table_name set column1 = value1 where some_column = some_value;

update emp_data set name = ‘siya’, city = ‘ranchi’, salary = 50000 where id = 1;

36. delete 

--> to delete records in table.

delete from table_name where some_column = some_value;

Ex :-
delete from emp_data where name = ‘sarita’ and salary = ‘50000’;

37. delete 

--> to delete all records of table.

delete from table_name; or delete * from table_name;

Ex :-
delete from emp_data; or delete * from emp_data;

38. copy old_table to new_table. 

Within same database


create table new_table like old_table;
insert new_table select * from old_table;

Ex :-
create table frnd like friends;
insert frnd select * from friends;

39. copy old_table to new_table. In different database

create table new_table like old_db.old_table;

insert new_table select * from old_db.old_table;

Ex :-
create table frnd like science.friends;
insert frnd select * from science.friends;

40. Min, Max, Sum and Avg and sqrt function in database.

select min(column_name) from table_name;

Ex :-
select min(salary) from emp_data;
select max(salary) from emp_data;
select sum(salary) from emp_data;
select avg(salary) from emp_data;
select sqrt(salary) from emp_data;

with alias name -

select min(salary) as lowest_sal from emp_data;

41. decimal data type column_name decimal(t,d);

t = total digit 1 – 65
d = digit after decimal 0-30 and must not more than t

Ex :-
price decimal(7,2); or
price decimal(t)

create table product(id int not null primary key auto_increment, price decimal(7,2) not null;

zerofill – it fills zero at remaining digit to make total

Ex :-
create table product(id int not null primary key auto_increment, price decimal(8,4) zerofill;

if price is 250.65 --- it will add 2 digit(0) at last ---so total is 7 ---but we
mentioned 8 as total so it will add 1 digit(0) at first.
---- 0250.6500 -- red are zerofill

41. Round function in database.

select * , round(price,1) from table_name;

42. count function :- returns the number of values of specified column.

select count(column_name) from table_name;

select count(salary) from emp_data;

--> returns number of record in table.
select count(*) from table_name;
select count(*) from emp_data;

--> returns number of distinct value in specified column.

select count(distinct column_name) from table_name;
select count(distinct salary) from emp_data;

43. converts the value of field to uppercase and lower case.

select upper(column_name) or ucase (column_name);

Ex:- select upper(name) from emp_data;
select lower(column_name) or lcase (column_name);

Ex:- select lower(name) from emp_data;

44. to extract specified character from text field.

mid(column_name,start,length) or substring(column_name,start,length)

Ex:- select mid(name,1,3) from emp_data;

45. it return length of the value in text field.


Ex:- select length(name) from emp_data;

46. it joins two column.

concat(column_name1, column_name2);

Ex:- select name, concat(name,city) from emp_data;

Select name, concat(name, (select mid(city, 1, 4))) from emp_data;

47. it reverse the order of letter in string. 


Ex:- select name, reverse(name) from emp_data;

48. it returns the current system date and time.


Ex:- select name, now() from emp_data;

49. it returns the group according to given function and given column.

Group by();

Ex:- select name, min(salary) from emp_data group by name;


Ex:- select name, min(salary) from emp_data group by name having min(salary) > 2500;

Ex2:- select name, count(*) from emp_data group by name having count(*) > 2;

50. Foreign key relation.

Create table department( Id int not null primary key auto_increment, E_name varchar (50), E_id int, Constraint employe_eid_fk foreign key(e_id) references employ(emp_id) );

Ex :-
create table tweet(Id int not null primary key auto_increment, tweet varchar (250), );

create table reply (r_id int not null primary key auto_increment, reply varchar(250), parent int, constraint tweet_r_id foreign key(parent) references tweet(id) );

51. to find constraint name

select * from info_schema.table_constraints
where table_name = ‘tweet’;

52. to drop foreign key from table. 

Alter table table_name drop foreign key key_name;

Ex :-
alter table reply drop foreign key reply_parent;

53. to add foreign key constraint in table.

Alter table reply Add column r_id int ,
add constraint reply_parent
foreign key(r_id) references tweet(id);

54. to add on delete cascade clause in foreign key.

create table reply (r_id int not null primary key auto_increment, reply varchar(250), parent int, constraint tweet_r_id foreign key(parent) references tweet(id) on delete cascade;

55. to add on delete set null clause in foreign key.

create table reply (r_id int not null primary key auto_increment, reply varchar(250), parent int, constraint tweet_r_id foreign key(parent) references tweet(id) on delete set null

56. to add on delete restrict clause in foreign key.

create table reply (r_id int not null primary key auto_increment, reply varchar(250), parent int, constraint tweet_r_id foreign key(parent) references tweet(id) on delete restrict);

57. to add on update cascade clause in foreign key.

create table reply (r_id int not null primary key auto_increment, reply varchar(250), parent int, constraint tweet_r_id foreign key(parent) references tweet(id) on update cascade);

58. composite key.

create table reply (r_id int, reply varchar(250), parent int, primary key(r_id,reply) );

59. cross join/Cartesian join/ Cartesian product/cross product

the cross join returns every row from one table crossed with every row from second.

select * from table1 cross join table2;
select * from emp_data cross join frnd;

select id,name from emp_data cross join frnd;

select * from emp_data,frnd

60. Inner join

Equijoin :-

Select column from table1 Inner join table2 On Column_name = column_name;

61. Inner join

Non-Equijoin :-

Select column from table1 Inner join table2 On Column_name <> column_name;

62. Natural join

Select column_name from table1
Natural join table2;

63. left outer join

Select column_name from table1
left join table2 on column_name = column_name;